Parker and Mummy having a play
Daddy and Parker reading
Well, he is doing many new things but I'm not sure you can improve on perfection awh...
Parker is doing so well, he is eating well, dancing well, sitting well just missing the one thing...sleeping well. Oh the elusive sleep fairy must really come and pay a visit to our house.
I am investing in a book called No Cry Sleep Solutions by Elizabeth Panthly so fingers crossed it goes well.

We are also loving our new bathroom that Mum renovated for us a few weeks ago.
There were ups and downs but through everything Mum powered on with innovative and wonderful solutions to any problems that dare present themselves to her!
We had our makeshift shower
This is Mum using tape as a rope for the wrench...what did I say, innovative. This worked well as Mum had to make a platform under the bath and concrete the bath in - she did all of this in what Ryan and I can only imagine as spinder infested trenches...AMAZING. As soon as we get the final touch (the screen door that is getting the better of us) then I will be putting up way more photos including pics of the floor etc
Parker's new snorting face, unfortunately I can't stop laughing at it so he keeps doing it.
We think he looks a lot like his cousin Ben in this one?
Ryan's Mum noticed how similar Ryan as a baby and Parker looked in this photo...uncanny!
Parker has also gotten a new little pose, he likes to sit cross legged on the ground now. The nurse in me tells him to uncross them immediately because it is bad for circulation but I know how comfortable it can be!!
He has also been enlightening us with the muscial sounds of P-Funk on the bongos
Parker can of course bust a move just like his olds!
Reactionaries to the cold??? I think not. 8 degrees outside is chilly I don't care if it is Anzac Day or NOT!
Parker's favourtie French thing (Im so sorry Matt and Elo and Owenn!-its a phase, when he is visiting you for holidays he will definitely love you all more!!!) SOPHIE. And our sleeping angel, he really is so lovely when he does sleep, doesn't he know that it endears us even more???
Well for this month thats it! UNLESS of course Parker grows some milk buds soon and then we can at least blame the crankiness on something lol
Miss all our family all over the world and can't wait to come and visit each and every one of you!!!!