Monday, June 21, 2010

Names - Barclay

Here's another gem that Jess thought up. She told me this name and in my head I instantly went here.

I thought she meant Barkley, like Sir Charles up there.  Now, don't get me wrong, the Chairman of the Boards was a pretty cool player, and maybe one shade of eye bag away from Sleepy Floyd, but he wasn't impressive enough to me to warrant naming my kid after him.

However, Jess didn't mean Barkley, she meant Barclay, which just made me think of this.

Perhaps Visa is just an easier way to go, and he'll be accepted in over 200 countries worldwide (ba bum cha!).

1 comment:

  1. I was going with 'Chairman' but you pipped me!!!!! hahaha

    Sleepy Floydd is a great call!!!!!

    Gnarls Barclay??? The kid makes you crazzzzyyyyy oohhhhhhhh hhhhh

    Is ur head bobbing to that tune?
